
Like distance runners on measured course, all of us will move through time in a roughly predictable pattern. In the first stage of our lives, we develop and grow, reaching toward the top of physical vitality (energy). After we grow up, however, the body begins a process of gradually wearing out. A new awareness of physical fitness may help lengthen our years of health and vitality, yet nothing we do will work to stop the unavoidable force of aging. Most of the changes of aging take place deep inside the body. The lungs become less able to take in oxygen. Powerful muscles gradually l图示为理想变压器,它的初级线圈接在交流电源上,次级线圈接在一个标有“12V 100W”的灯泡上.已知变压器原、副级线圈匝数之比为18:1,那么灯泡正常工作时,图中的电压表读数为216216V,电流表读数为0.460.46A.在副线圈接的灯泡不变时,若将副线圈匝数加倍,则交流电源的电压将变为108V108V.
英语 试题推荐