
The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture.But there are different kinds of fractures.A single fracture is when a bone is broken in just one place.You may have heard the term hairline fracture.This is a single fracture that is very small,like the width of a hair.A complete fracture is when the bone comes apart.When a bone is broken in more than two places or gets crushed,the name for it is a comminuted fracture.Still another condition is called a bowing fracture.This happens with a bone that bends but does not break.It happens mostly in children.Ever heard of a gr6.我国耕地主要分布在东部季风区的平原、盆地及低缓的丘陵地区,其中秦岭--淮河线,以北地区以旱田为主,以南地区以水田为主,林地主要分布在东北、西南、和东南部的山区,草地主要分布在降水量不足400mm的北部和西部地区.
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