
Advantages of playing badminton Playing badminton can be a fantastic sport._36_.What's more.Playing badminton has many health benefits for your entire body. Build a strong body You get to run up and down the court.You jump up high and bend down low when playing.Your movement has to be flexible,with good hand-eye coordination(协调).The movements give your legs good exercise.At the same time,swinging the racket exercises your arms,shoulders,stomach and back.Before you know it,your entire body will benefit from better coordination._37_. Have a good heart Playing badminton can actually以次氯酸盐为主要成分的漂白剂和消毒剂有效期较短的原因是    (    )A.次氯酸盐不稳定易分解B.次氯酸盐吸收空气中的水分而变质C.次氯酸盐易被空气中的氧气氧化D.次氯酸盐与空气中的H2O、CO2反应生成不稳定的HClO
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