
When nature is left alone, a balance is reached among the animals and plants living in one area. But when man starts his work in nature, the balance is likely to be destroyed. He grows a crop and takes it away to eat; then there are no dead leaves to fall on the ground, holding water while it sinks into the surface, or decaying (腐烂) and adding humus (腐殖质) to the soil. Unless a farmer acts with knowledge and skill, he is therefore most likely to make the land poorer. To take the place of the useful matter in the crops that he removes, he uses some kind of fertilizer. Chemical fertiliz绿色植物对生物圈的存在和发展起着决定性的作用,被誉为绿色的“能量转化器”、自动的“空气净化器”、天然的“蓄水池”。没有绿色植物,陆地上就没有丰富多彩的生命世界,因此,也有人说绿色植物是生命之母。请分析回答:(1)绿色植物被称为绿色的“能量转化器”,是因为它能够吸收太阳光能,并通过_______作用在___________中合成淀粉等有机物,同时将光能转化成太阳能,贮存在有机物中。生物圈中的其他生物都直接或间接地以绿色植物为食,获得生存和繁衍必需的能量。(2)绿色植物通过_______作用,能够不断消耗大气中的___________气体,制造_______排放到大气中,维持生物圈的碳—氧平衡,从而为人类和一切需氧生物的生存创造了必要条件。因此我们把绿色植物称为“空气净化器”。(3)请你分析绿色植物被称为天然的“蓄水池”的理由。(也可画图表示)________
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