
    There are times when you find yourself unable to work out a problem. It is at this   28   that the way in which you use your teacher is important. With a good teacher, such times should be less   29   than with a bad one; so the worse the teacher, the more responsibility you have for your   30  ! Whatever your luck in this   31  , one thing is most significant and stays the same, whatever the quality of teaching you receive: if there is something you don't understand, you must ask, again and again if necessary, until you do understand it fully.   32   though t为从定量角度认识中和反应,小明同学自行设计并进行了下面实验:①在小烧杯中倒人8%的氢氧化钠溶液l0g,滴入2滴酚酞试剂后,溶液呈红色;②另取10%的稀盐酸逐滴滴加到氢氧化钠溶液中,边滴边振荡,随盐酸滴入,溶液颜色逐渐变浅;③在溶液红色消失瞬间,停止实验。若停止实验时,两溶液恰好反应。请分析小明实验后回答:(1)实验中酚酞试剂的作用是_________________________;(2)计算出这时共用去稀盐酸的质量是多少?(精确到0.1
英语 试题推荐