
I was a rotten teenager, sharp-tongued and eager to control others. I told lies. At an early age that I could make things   1  my way with just a few small changes. The writers for today’s hottest soap opera could not have created a   2  character than me. I don’t know how long it took me to realize how I was   3  so many others. Not only did I succeed in   4  many of my closest friends by trying to control them; I also managed to destroy the most   5  relationship in my life; my relationship with my mother. My mother, who gave birth to me at age 38  6  her doctor’s wish一名同学对日常生活中经常接触到的物理量进行估测,下列数据中估测不正确的是( )A.学校学生课桌高约0.75mB.一瓶500ml矿泉水的质量为5kgC.第五次提速后,火车速度可达160km/hD.哈尔滨市冬季最低气温在﹣30℃以下
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