
某古代水利工程“旱时引水浸润,雨则杜塞水门,故记曰‘水旱从人,不知饥馑’。后来三国时蜀相诸葛亮“征丁十二百人护之”,据此判断,这项水利工程是 A.都江堰          B.郑国渠          C.灵渠         D.芍陂   答案:A  都江堰坐落于四川省都江堰市城西,位于成都平原西部的岷江上。都江堰水利工程建于公元前256年,是全世界迄今为止,年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程。公元前 246 年(秦王政元年)秦王采纳韩国人郑国的建议,并由郑国主持兴修的大型灌溉渠,它西引泾水东注洛水,长达 Goats are amazing animals. They can survive just about anywhere. Altogether there are nine species of goats in the world.Goats have more uses than you could ever imagine. Goat’s meat can be eaten and goat’s milk is becoming popular as a healthy choice to drink milk. Goat’s milk is easier to take in than cow’s milk and it is called universal milk as it can be used to bottle-feed most animals. In nutrition, it is also good. Goat’s skins are still used today to make gloves and other items of clothing. The initial reasons for domesticating (驯化) goats were to get goat’s hair, meat and milk. Goat’s skins were used up until the Middle Ages for making bottles to hold water and wine for people who were traveling or camping.Just like sheep, goats are considered to be the first domesticated animal. The domestication process began over 10,000 years ago in a North Iranian town. A lot of people keep goats as pets nowadays.Goats are easily trained and you can teach them to pull carts and walk on ropes. Goats are also known for escaping their pens(圈). If you have unsecured fencing, your goats will be interested in it and test it out and soon you will know where the openings are. Goats are also widely known for their ability to climb trees, although the tree generally has to be at a slight angle(角度).If goats are raised correctly and trained from an early age, they never develop any bad habits. Goats will attack each other. However, if they’re corrected from an early age they never attack humans or other animals.【小题1】The passage is written mainly      .A.to tell people how to raise goats B.to let people know more about goatsC.to explain how goats are domesticated D.to describe goats of different uses【小题2】Why is goat’s milk called universal milk?A.It is rich in nutrition and easy to take in. B.It is good for our health.C.It is suitable to feed most animals. D.It is easy to get.【小题3】If you want to keep a goat as a pet, it is important      .A.to get along well with itB.to find a professional trainerC.to develop its abilityD.to train it when young【小题4】Which of the following words can best describe goats?A.Curious and clever.B.Unfriendly and naughty.C.Careful and lazy.D.Stubborn and quiet.
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