
It was 3:21 A. M. when nine-year-old Glenn Kreamer awoke to the smell of burning. Except for the cracking of flames somewhere below, there was not a sound in the two-storey house at Baldwin Long Island.With his father away on night duty at a local factory, Glenn was worried about the safety of his mother, his sister Karen,14 and his 12-year-old brother Todd. He ran downstairs through the smoke-filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up. Then he helped each one through the house to the safety of the garden. There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and阅读课文选段,完成练习。一天, 孙膑对田忌说:“将军,我有个办法,保证能让您在赛马时获胜。”田忌问道:“你是说换几匹更好的马?”孙膑说:“一匹也不用换。”田忌有些不明白:“那怎么能有贏的把握呢?”孙膑胸有成竹地说:“将军请放心,按照我的主意办。一定能让您赢。”田忌很信任孙膑,决定全听他的。于是,他同齐威王及贵族们约好一起赛马。田忌和齐威王的对阵就要开始了。比赛双方摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。观众们也兴致勃勃地猜测着比赛结果。就在这时,孙膑把田忌请到一边,悄悄地把办法告诉了他。【1】写出下列词语的近义词: 获胜(_______)  主意(_______)  信任(_______)  猜测(_______)【2】根据文中三个人物的性格特征完成连线。田忌 善于交友,相信朋友。 孙膑 善于观察,善于分析,足智多谋。 齐威王 骄傲自大,目中无人。 【3】孙膑的足智多谋主要表现在:___________________A.帮助田忌出谋划策。B.观察细致。C.胸有成竹。【4】这段话的主要内容是___________________【5】从文中“田忌问道:‘你是说换儿匹更好的马?’”“孙膑说:‘一匹也不用换’”看来,你发现田忌跟孙膑观察比赛有什么不同?______________________________________
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