
下列有关物质的区分方法不正确的是( ) A.品尝味道可以区分厨房中的蔗糖和食盐B.用肥皂水可以区分硬水和蒸馏水C.用水可以区分硝酸铵和氢氧化钠两种固体D.观察颜色可以区分氧气和二氧化碳两种气体 答案:考点:物质的鉴别、推断;常见气体的检验与除杂方法;硬水与软水;溶解时的吸热或放热现象.. 专题:结合课本知识的信息. 分析:进行物质区分时,可以根据物质的性质进行,采用物理方法或化学方法进行,所选的试剂与待区分试剂混合要有明显的不同现象,蔗糖有甜味,食盐有咸味,硬水与阅读理解。     Thomas Adams, an American inventor, is the father of modern bubble (泡泡) gum. During the 1870s, Adams discovered a new way to make chewing gum by accident, while he was trying to find a use for chicle (糖胶树胶)- Mr. Adams wanted to make rubber (橡胶) from chicle.      Mr. Adams worked for a long time trying to make rubber from chicle. His oldest son also helped him sometimes. But they never discovered a way to make it work. One day, Thomas Adams was in a store when he heard a young girl ask for some chewing gum. Adams and his son had been chewing chicle while they were working on the rubber, so he decided to give up trying to make rubber from the chicle and make gum instead. At that time, chewing gum was made from spruces' sap (云杉树液). This chewing gum didn't taste very good. Adams thought chewing gum from chicle tasted better. He and his son wrapped small pieces of chicle in colorful paper and sold it. People everywhere began chewing his gum at once.      Mr. Adams' gum could make bubbles, but the bubbles were very sticky (胶粘的). Until 1928 Walter Diemer found a way to improve chewing gum by making bubbles that were not sticky. 1. Where was Thomas Adams from? A. The United States. B. The United Kingdom. C. Australia. D. Spain. 2. The word "wrapped" here in Chinese means "_________. A. 掩饰 B. 遮蔽 C. 包裹 D. 覆盖 3. What did Thomas Adams give up trying to make? A. A new kind of paper. B. A new kind of rubber. C. A new kind of chicle. D. A new kind of drink. 4.Which of these sentences is NOT TRUE? A. Mr. Adams thought spruce gum didn't taste as good as chicle gum. B. Mr. Adams never found a way to make rubber from chicle. C. Mr. Adams is the father of modern bubble gum. D. Mr. Adams was the first person to sell gum. 5. What was the difference, between Mr. Diemer's gum and Mr. Adams' gum? A. Mr. Diemer's gum could make bubbles. B. Mr. Diemer's gum was less sticky. C. Mr. Diemer's gum was made from tree sap. D. Mr. Diemer's gum was sold in colorful paper.
化学 试题推荐