
Smoking is the worst thing you can do for your health. Fortunately, it’s never too late to get the benefits of quitting. If you’ve tried to quit before and failed, it’s time to make up your mind and try again. Smoking is responsible for one of every five deaths. That includes 29% of all cancer deaths, 87% of all lung cancer deaths, and nearly 20% of all deaths are from cardiovascular disease. But long before smoking kills you, it ages you. You can see that smoking accelerates the drying and wrinkling of the skin. But there are fewer obvious effects as well. Indeed, smoking takes 20.材料  自秦以来,中央政府对极少数民族采用不同于内地的管辖方式。唐宋时期普遍封赐各内属的少数民族首领地方官职,设立羁縻州县,长官由部族首领世袭,内部事务自治。元明清三代在西南和中南少数民族地区实行土司制度,“以土管治土民”,给于少数民族首领对所辖地区,安民族传统习惯进行世袭统治权,土司独霸一方,对中央叛服不常,影响国家统一;残暴统治属民,骚扰汉民,土司因为争权夺利的械斗、战争,导致生灵涂炭。唐宋以来土官与王朝矛盾日益尖锐,少数民族的反抗又动摇了土官统治。明中后期已开始小范围的改土归流,清康熙时期已有足够力量加强少数民族地区的统治。17雍正26年推行大规模改土归流,“恩威并用”、在中南、西南六省,取消土司世袭制,设立府、厅、州、县,派遣有任期的流官,直接管理少数民族地区的政务,添设军事机构,建城池,设学校。变革赋役方法,废除原土司赋役制,按地亩征税,数额少于内地,少数民族所受剥削稍有减轻。1731年,改土归流基本实现,清改土归流不彻底,新中国成立后,才完全废止土司制度。--(摘编自黄现璠著《壮族通史》)(1)根据材料概括分析中央政府对边疆少数民族有效管辖的演变历程及原因。(2)根据材料简要写出“改土归流”的含义。并结合所学知识分析“改土归流”的意义。
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