
短文填词(10分) One day, a 10-year-old entered a coffee shop.After he sat        a table, he asked a waitress.How much is an                  76.__  _ ice cream sundae? 50¢r____the waitress.The little                    77.__  _ boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and c_____the coins                78.__  _ in it.“Well, how ___ a plain dish of ice cream? he asked.              79.__  _ By now more people were w____for a table and the waitress                  依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(    )(3分) 内心里拥有善,      ,      ,      。积淀在我们血液里的和融化在我们脚步中的,都是这样一点一滴播撒和积累下的善。      ,从而形成一泓循环的水流,      ,     。 ①看见贫穷而情不自禁地产生同情 ②才会看见弱小而自觉前去扶助 ③看见寒冷而愿意去雪中送炭 ④我们在感动别人的同时,也被别人所感动着 ⑤帮助我们度过相濡以沫的人生 ⑥滋润着我们哪怕苦涩而艰难的日子 A.④①②③⑤⑥    B.②①③④⑥⑤   C.②③①⑤⑥④    D.④②③①⑥⑤
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