
My husband, Tom, has always been good with animals, but I was still amazed when he befriended a female grouse (松鸡).It's impossible for a grouse to have any contact (接触) with people.In fact, they're hard to spot,   1   they usually fly off when they hear humans approaching.     This grouse came into our lives in  2  .Tom was working out in the field when he  3  her walking around at the edge of the field.She was  4  unafraid and seemed to be curious about what he was doing.     Tom saw the   5   bird several times, and she got more comfortable arou一足够高的直立气缸上端开口,用一个厚度不计的活塞封闭了一段高为80 cm的气柱,活塞的横截面积为0. 01 m2,活塞与气缸间的摩擦不计,气缸侧壁通过一个开口与U形管相连,开口离气缸底部的高度为70 cm,开口管内及U形管内的气体体积忽略不计.已知如图所示状态时气体的温度为7 0C , U形管内水银面的高度差h1= 5 cm,大气压强p0 =1. 0 ×105 Pa保持不变,水银的密度=13. 6×103 kg/m3.求: ①活塞的重力. ②现在活塞上添加沙粒,同时对气缸内的气体加热,始终保持活塞的高度不变,此过程缓慢进行,当气体的温度升高到37℃时,U形管内水银面的高度差为多少? ③若保持第②问中的沙粒质量不变,让气缸内的气体逐渐冷却,那么当气体的温度至少降为多少时,U形管内的水银面变为一样高?
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