
|网1] How to Care for Your Ears?      Ears not only let us hear, but they also paly a role in maintaining our balance, which is vital to our ability to function in daily life. Yet, we ignore them. We can’t even see our ears, except in a mirror. We take it for granted what they do for us day in and day out—until we notice something worng, such as when an earache strikes or when we start having to ask people to repeat what they say.   36   . ◆Clean your ear with a washcloth—covered finger only. Never put anything inside your ear canal, including cotto在物理实验中常用到等效替代法.例如将一个7Ω的电阻替换某支路中2Ω和5Ω串联的电阻,在其他条件不变时,该条支路中电流不变,说明一个7Ω的电阻与阻值为2Ω和5Ω串联的电阻对电流的阻碍作用是等效的,因此可用7Ω的电阻替代2Ω和5Ω串联的电阻.在用如图所示电路测量未知电阻的实验中,用的就是等效替代法.其中Rx是待测电阻(阻值大约几百欧),R是滑动变阻器,R0是电阻箱(电阻箱的最大电阻大于Rx).(1)根据实验电路图把实验报告中的主要实验步骤中的空白填齐.①按电路图连好电路,并将电阻箱R0的阻值调至最大;②闭合开关S1前,滑片P置于______端(填“a”或“b”);③闭合开关S1;④闭合开关______,调节P,使电流表指针指在适当的位置,记下此时电流表的示数I;⑤先断开开关______,再闭合开关______,保持______的电阻不变,调节______,使电流表的示数仍为I;⑥实验结果,待测电路Rx的大小为______.(2)在此实验中,若将电流表改用电压表,其他器材不变,在虚线框内画出用等效替代法测量Rx的实验电路图.(要求所设计的电路在连接好后,只能通过开关改变电路连接情况)
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