
Get Your Degree at Home! Have you ever wondered what a degree might be worth to your job or career? It means a lot of Americans with an Associate Degree average nearly $ 10,000 more in their earnings than those with just a high school diploma. Harcourt Learning Direct offers you a way to get a Specialized Associate Degree in 11 of today’s growing fields---without having to go to college full time .With Harcourt, you study at home, in your spare time---so you don’t have to give up your present job while you train for a better one. Choose from exciting majors like Business management,有七名学生参加运动会.他们身上的T恤上分别标记有号码1、2、3、…或7.比赛最终获得第一名的学生完成比赛用时1分钟;最终获得第二名的学生完成比赛用时2分钟;最终获得第三名的学生完成比赛用时3分钟;依此类推.并且(1)将每位学生穿着的T恤上的号码与所费的时间相加,我们发现:(1)所得的和最大是13(恰只有一位学生);(2)所得的和最小是4(恰只有一位学生);(3)恰好有三位学生所得的和等于9.(2)第一名的学生所穿的T恤上的数大于第二名的学生所穿的T恤上的数.那么得到第一~七名的学生的T恤上的号码分别是 .(要求按顺序写)
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