
Last week my daughter was sick, so she had to stay at home. While staying at home, she looks at my hands and asks, “ Your hands have this  41  ,right?” It’s true that my hands are shaking, not too much, not too 42 ,and if I really want, I can control that. When I was a kid, my mother  43  to find out why I had this. We went to quite a few   44  , but none of them really   45  it. They then thought it was something psychological, not   46  . As I grow up, I learned how to  47 _it. But it’s still not very   48  to be asked about it. I   49  most people think 根据下列实验装置回答问题.       ①                        ②                   ③               ④                       ⑤(1)实验室用高锰酸钾制取氧气的发生装置是           ,收集装置是                  ,反应的化学方程式是                                              (2)实验室用来制取二氧化碳的方程式是                             ,装置是         ,如何检验已收集满                                       ;此装置还可以用于实验室制取氧气,反应方程式是                          .(3)查阅资料:氨气是一种密度比空气小,且极易溶于水的气体,可以用加热氯化铵和氢氧化钙固体混合物制取.根据资料,制取氨气应选择的发生装置是         ,收集装置是       .
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