
As De Witt Wallace lay in bed recovering from injuries that he unfortunately came by in World War I, he found there was a wealth of interesting information to read. Realizing few people would have the time to get through all this information, he knew exactly what to do. In 1920, this young American gave a sample magazine containing shortened articles to publishers across America. However, all turned him down.       De Witt and his new bride Lila Bell Acheson published the first issue of Reader’s Digest in February 1922. Working from home, the Wallaces printed 5,000 copies, which were s读图俄罗斯相关图,回答问题。(1)俄罗斯是一个地跨东、西两半球的国家,请你在俄罗斯的气候分布图中画一条经线,证实俄罗斯地跨东、西两半球。(2)从地形图上分析可知,俄罗斯的地势特点是。(3)俄罗斯北冰洋沿岸的摩尔曼斯克港深居北极圈内,却终年不冻,原因是。(4)从图中提供的信息判断,俄罗斯主要的粮食作物是 , 主要分布在伏尔加河流域和西伯利亚南部。广大的北部地区不是农作物种植区,试分析原因。。(5)近年来俄罗斯大力开发东部地区,建立了一系列工业基地,试分析新西伯利亚工业区发展的有利条件。。
英语 试题推荐