
第二卷  (非选择题,共45分) 第一节:根据提示完成句子(共10空,每空1分,满分10分) 1. ____________you have got a chance, you had better make full use of it. (既然) 2. Something unexpected always____________in this area.  (突然发生) 3. Many young people went to____________ in the countryside.  (定居) 4. Seeing that we had noticed him, he____________ quickly.  (离开) 5. Jane Goodle is____________a busy____________but she is very happy. (过着……的生活)(2012•黑龙江)如图所示,在x轴的正半轴上依次截取OA1=A1A2=A2A3=A3A4=A4A5…,过A1、A2、A3、A4、A5…分别作x轴的垂线与反比例函数y=4x的图象交于点P1、P2、P3、P4、P5…,并设△OA1P1、△A1A2P2、△A2A3P3…面积分别为S1、S2、S3…,按此作法进行下去,则Sn的值为2n2n(n为正整数).
英语 试题推荐