
阅读理解 People usually hate mice,but people almost all over the world like one mouse----- the famous Mickey Mouse. Fifty years ago,most films had no sounds.A man called Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse.The cartoon mouse could talk in these films.He named his mouse Mickey Mouse.Soon Mickey Mouse became a good friend of both young and old people.Children liked to see their lovely friend,because he brought happiness to them. Mickey is a clean mous, from the beginning.Maybe this is why people love Mickey Mouse very much.In his early life,Mickey did some w史学家张萌麟评述某一重大历史事件时说,“我们正处在中国有史以来最大转变关头,第一次全民族一心一意地在血泊和瓦砾场中奋争以创造一个赫然在望的新时代。”这件大事应指            (    )        A.抗日战争            B.国民大革命         C.鸦片战争           D.解放战争
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