
66. 我突然想起今晚我该拜访杰克。 It ①____  ②____ me that I should ③____  ④____ Jack tonight. 67. 他宁愿独自做生意也不愿跟其他人合伙。    He ① ____  ②_____ go into business alone rather than  ③_____  ④_____ with anyone else. 68. 经过数年的努力工作,中国艺术家成功地使这座宫殿恢复了生机。 After years of hard work, the Chinese artists ①____ the palace ②____ ③____ ④_____ successfully. 69. 后来他又想修好一辆状况很差的车,  但是白费功夫了。 Later he wanted to repair a car which was 希望小学有29个班,平均每班43人,全校共有学生多少人?每个教室有4排灯,每排3盏灯,希望小学29个班共有多少盏灯?
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