
The orderly came back in a few minutes with a rifle(步枪)and some Burmans(缅甸人). He told us that the elephant was in the rice fields below, only a few hundred yards away. As I started forward practically the whole population of the quarter flocked out of the houses and followed me. They had seen the rifle and were all shouting excitedly that I was going to shoot the elephant. It was fun to them, as it would be to an English crowd; besides, they wanted the meat. It made me a little uneasy. I had no intention of shooting the elephant—I had merely sent for the rifle to d请结合图示实验装置,回答下列问题.(1)图中标号仪器名称:a酒精灯酒精灯,b长颈漏斗长颈漏斗.(2)用高锰酸钾固体制氧气,选用的发生装置是AA(填“A”、“B”或“C”),装入药品前应先进行的操作是检查装置的气密性检查装置的气密性,反应的化学方程式是2KMnO4  △  . K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑2KMnO4  △  . K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑.如用装置D收集氧气,当观察到导管口气泡连续、均匀的冒出导管口气泡连续、均匀的冒出时,开始收集氧气氧气(3)实验室制取H2时,如选用C装置,与B装置相比其优点是可以随时控制反应发生或停止可以随时控制反应发生或停止,如要获得干燥的气体,除发生装置外,还应选用盛放浓硫酸浓硫酸(填写试剂名称)的E装置.如用F装置收集H2,则气体应从dd端通入(填“c”或“d”).
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