
Since long ago,greeting cards have been considered a time-saver.More than 150 years ago,a busy Englishman,Sir Henry,asked a friend to design a card so that he didn't have to labour to write holiday letters to his friends at the end of the year.Those paper cards are now the tradition. But time,like sunlight,is still in short supply for December.That's why the Internet is ready to make a change in holiday greeting customs.Already,those,who are always busy,like sending video greetings by e-mail.So,don't be surprised to find a lively card in your electronic mail box at the end of the year or at an下列词语中没有别字的一项是(3分) A.掺杂旁鹜 断章取义刻骨铭心B.眺望扶掖重蹈复辙 自知之明C.处罚 庸禄 神情恍惚 迷惑不解D.阴晦 亵渎化为乌有强聒不舍
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