
由NaHS、MgSO4、NaHSO3组成的混合物中,已知S元素的质量分数w(S)=a%,则O元素的质量分数w(O)为( ) A.1.75a%   B.1﹣1.75a%    C.1.25a%   D.无法计算 答案:【考点】混合物中某元素的质量计算. 【专题】化学式的计算;等量代换法. 【分析】NaHS、MgSO4、NaHSO3这几种物质仔细观察有一点规律:(NaH S)、(Mg SO4)、(NaH SO3),可以发现NaH相对原子质量和为24,可以看成与Mg是等同的; 也就是说可以把NaH它们看成一个整体,就可以通过硫的质量分数求出其33、Mr North is now old and very forgetful. One summer day, he decided to   1   his grandchildren to a seaside town for a holiday. The town was about a three hours train ride   2  . In order to make the holiday more   3   for his grandchildren, he kept the name of the town a  4  . But when they arrived at the station, the door man had forgotten the   5   of the town himself.  6  a friend of  7  was at the station at that time. He helped to take care of the  8  while Mr North went back home to find out   9   he was going. Mr North was   10   to see Mr North again so soon. But she wins pleased when she understood   11   he come back. She wrote the name of the   12   on a piece of paper and sent her hushed off. Then some   13   later, she was greatly surprised to see Mr North outside 14  . What was the matter now? Mr North had forgotten   15   he had left the children. 1.     A. take      B. give       C. have         D. make 2.     A. farther    B. away       C. over         D. off 3.     A. interested  B. careful     C. interesting    D. excited 4.     A. report     B. present    C. lesson        D. secret 5.     A. people     B. road      C. way          D. name 6.     A. Luckily    B. Surely     C. Finally        D. Usually 7.     A. his        B. him       C. himself        D. wife 8.     A. Tickets    B. children    C. train          D. name 9.     A. when      B. where     C. how          D. whether 10.     A. happy     B. angry      C. surprised      D. sorry 11.     A. as         B. because    C. why          D. how 12.     A. friend      B. town      C. station        D. children 13.     A. months     B. weeks      C. minutes      D. days 14.     A. soon       B. more       C. again         D. too 15.     A. who        B. where     C. when          D. whether 评卷人 得分 五、阅读理解 (每空? 分,共? 分)
化学 试题推荐