
Rebel has three meanings according to my dictionary: 1) a person who fights against the government of their country. 2) a person who opposes somebody in authority over them within an organization, a political party, etc. 3) a person who does not like to obey rules or who does not accept normal standards of behavior, dress, etc. Today,   41  . Some might say, rebels are the destroyers of our normal society. To some extent, yes, they are.   42   In my view, every step of advance has rebels’ significant contribution. I have seen a TED talk, from which a man, born in an Islamic fami7.探索历史的奥秘材料《史记》记载,秦始皇末年,“以为成阳人多,先王之宫廷小……乃营作朝宫渭南上林苑中。先作前殿阿房,东西五百步,南北五十丈,上可以坐万人,下可以建五丈旗。周驰为阁道,自殿下直抵南山……阿房宫未成;成,欲更择令名名之。作宫阿房,故天下谓之阿房宫”。项羽进入成阳后“烧秦宫室,火三月不灭”。中晚唐诗人杜牧因唐敬宗“大起宫室,广声色”,撰《阿房宫赋》加以讽喻。赋中说:“蜀山兀,阿房出。覆压三百余里,隔离天日……一日之内,一宫之间,而气候不齐……戍卒叫,函谷举,楚人一炬,可怜焦土!”因此赋流传,秦修建阿房宫而速亡,成为人们关于秦朝的一种历史记忆。    当代考古学者试图寻找阿房宫建筑群的遗迹,只在相当于《史记》所记阿房宫前殿的位置,发现了夯筑过的地基和东西北三侧的围墙,却根本找不到红烧土、木炭等表明此处曾被大火焚烧的痕迹。他们中有人因此认为,阿房宫不过是“一座想象中的空中楼阁”。--据《史记》等(1)根据材料,概括指出阿房宫被考古学者认为“是一座想象中的空中楼阁”的原因。(2)以《阿房宫赋》为例,说明历史题材文学作品对探讨历史问题的作用。
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