
 [2014·安徽省皖南八校高三第一次联考]五四运动被称为创造一种新的现代的文明以挽救中国。“新”的主要表现是( ) A.知识分子发挥着移风易俗的重要作用 B.激发人们强烈的民族意识和爱国热情 C.弘扬科学和民主成为五四的精神核心 D.爱国主义与宣传马克思主义逐步结合 答案:解析:抓住题干要求“新”的主要表现以及“现代的文明以挽救中国”。移风易俗、民族意识和爱国热情不能体现“新”,A、B两项不正确。弘扬科学和民主属于资产阶级文化,没能挽救中国,而马克思主义指导下新民主主义革命挽救了中国,故C项不正确,D项正确。 答案:D 完形填空 I am a middle-school student. Now let ___1___ tell you something ___2___ our classroom. It's very ___3___. There are two maps ___4___ the back wall. ___5___ is a map of China. ___6___ is a map of the world (世界).     There are ___7___ desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a big desk ___8___ the teacher in the front of it. We ___9___ four classes in the ___10___ and two in the afternoon     1. a. I      b. my       c. me     d. we     2. a. about    b. in       c. on       d. at     3. a. small     b. big       c. bigger     d. biggest     4. a. in      b. on       c. under    d. over     5. a. It      b. It's       c. One     d. one     6. a. Other    b. Others      c. Another   d. The other     7. a. fourty    b. forty       c. forteen   d. fourteenth     8. a. for      b. of       c. to     d. about     9. a. there is    b. there are    c. has     d. have     10. a. moning  b. mourning    c. morning   d. moring                            
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