
史学家张荫麟先生(1905―1943)在《中国史纲(上古篇)》中写到:“武王所肇创周公所奠定的‘封建帝国’,维持了约莫七百年”。与这里的“封建帝国”直接相关的政治制度是(   )A.父系家长制      B.皇帝制度       C.分封制       D.禅让制 答案:C  解析:西周基本的政治制度是分封制,这里的“封建”指“封邦建国”的意思。选择括号中的动词填空。 1. Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator _____ going to have to make a decision.    (is, are) 2. _____ my mother or my sisters going to get this chance abroad? (Is, Are) 3. Some of the votes _____ to have been miscounted. (seems, seem) 4. The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring _____ more than just a nuisance. (is, are) 5. Everyone selected to serve on this jury _____ to be willing to give up a lot of time. (has, have)
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