
One day,two little boys were walking along the road.They overtook a woman___11___a large basket of apples. The boys thought the woman looked very___12___and tired,so they said,Are you going to town?If you are,we will carry your___13___. Thank you,___14___the woman,You are very kind.You see I am week and ill.Then she told them that she was a ___15___,and had a lame son to___16___. She lived in a cottage three miles away,and was now going to the___17___to sell the apples which grew on the only tree in her garden.She wanted the money to___18___her rent. We are going the same way you ar1976年东盟第一次首脑会议使东盟合作发展到新的阶段。其“新”的含义是 A.把定期召开首脑会议纳入制度化轨道 B.决定构建东盟自由贸易区 C.将政治合作列入联盟合作范围 D.执行共同的外交政策,以“同一个声音讲话”
英语 试题推荐