
下列生活中常见现象用微观粒子解释正确的是( ) A.深色衣服和浅色衣服浸泡在一起,会使衣服上染上颜色,这是因为原子发生了变化B.温度计中的水银球受热体积膨胀.这是因为汞原子受热体积变大了C.碘蒸气和碘溶液都能使淀粉变蓝色,是因为它们都含有碘分子D.擦黑板时看到粉尘在空中飞舞,这是分子在运动 答案 考点:利用分子与原子的性质分析和解决问题. 专题:物质的微观构成与物质的宏观组成. 分析:根据分子的基本特征:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it.1)Recite and repeat in conversation.When you hear a person's name,repeat it.. You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial.2)Ask the other person to recite and repeat.You can let other people help you remember their names. After you've been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name and pronounce it correctly for you..3)Use associations. . For example,you could make a mental note: "Vicki Cheng -- tall, black hair. " To reinforce you're your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.4).When meeting a group of people, focus on remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering every one. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.5)Go early.Consider going early to conferences, parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up on time. . And as more people arrive, you can hear them being introduced to others—an automatic review for you.A. Admit that you don't know.B. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips.C. There are fewer names for you to remember.D. Limit the number of new names you learn at one time.E. Link each person yon meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual.F. Most people will be pleased by the effort you're making to learn their names.G. You will be forgiven later.
化学 试题推荐