
I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before the check­in. It had been a very  __16__  three days for me with lots of meetings. So I was glad to have the  __17__  time to make my notes on what I  __18__  to do the following day. But then came the __19__  that my flight had to be __20__  because there was a problem with the plane. As I sat waiting for my  __21__  to be called, I reflected on my last meeting of the day. It was not a business meeting but rather a very enjoyable  __22__  with an old business friend I had not seen for over 12 years. Our lunch was spent (本小题12分)做投掷2颗骰子的试验,用(x,y)表示结果,其中x表示第1颗骰子出现的点数,y 表示第2颗骰子出现的点数,写出:    (1)求事件“出现点数相等”的概率   (2)求事件“出现点数之和大于8”的概率。
英语 试题推荐