
短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)w m Jiang Min, a beautiful policewoman, has a happy family    81.___________ before her hometown was struck by a unexpected disaster, a big 82.___________ earthquake which had never happened since 1976. Great to her  83.___________ sorrow, more than ten of her relatives lost their life in the disaster     84.___________ including her two-year-old daughter, her parents and grandparents.    85.___________ However, when telling the unhappy news, the strong woman even     86.___________ didn’t go to home to see下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )A. “中国首善”陈光标赴台湾高调捐赠的行为究竟是行善还是作秀,香港时事评论员赵嘉一对此的评价是肯定的。B. 台湾地区25日就钓鱼岛事件发表看法,认为相关各方应搁置争议,基于平等互惠原则,共同开发、享用资源,以维护该地区的和平稳定。C. 四川省政府已明确指出,廉租房可以在经济适用住房中配建,也可以在普通商品住房小区中配建,以防止低收入家庭远离城区被边缘化的现象。D. 专家提出:许多国家在调整退休年龄时都要预先若干年向社会公告,对不同群体采取差别政策,并以“小步慢走”实施,以减少负面影响。
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