
In China, chain restaurants – especially the big multinational ones – are cool. Going to Starbucks, for example, is a status symbol. It not only says, “I’m rich enough to buy this overpriced coffee,” but also, “I’m cosmopolitan (见多识广的) enough to be part of globalization.”     Where I come from in the UK, however, chains are neither fashionable nor gourmet(美食的). Chains are where you go on New Year’s Day when nowhere else is open, or when you are 5 years old and your parents can’t stand hearing, “I’m huuuuuungry!” any longer. In my own case (wit据上海世博会官方网统计,截至2010年3月29日为止,上海世博会门票已实现销售约22 170 000张,将22 170 000用科学记数法表示为(    )A.2.217×106B.0.2217×106C.2.217×107D.22.17×106
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