
   After a long, harsh(严酷的)winter, it is time to clean your house thoroughly. When it comes to spring-cleaning, you can try green spring-cleaning instead of using harsh chemicals, of course. ___36____Here are several tips that can help you achieve your spring-cleaning goal.    The first thing you should do is to open windows to provide good air circulation throughout the house. ___37___For the task of removing dust, it is best to use a soft cloth to remove the dust rather than other things like a feather dustier which tends to spread it around. If you must use a cleaner of [2014·湖南六校联考]设x1,x2是方程ln|x-2|=m(m为实数)的两根,则x1+x2的值为(  )A.4B.2C.-4 D.与m有关
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