
School Counseling(咨询) In our grandparents' time, it was unthinkable. In our parents' time, it was unusual and nobody spoke openly about counseling.These days, more and more schools are asking for this service and it is considered a necessity for most. Why is it What has changed in the last fifty years to have made counseling at schools so urgent.  “One reason is that we expect schools to do more to protect their pupils than we did in the past, says school counselor, Mike Hudson” Also, our society doesn't work as well as it should.Many parents are either under pressu根据下面的要求,求满足1+2+3+…+n>500的最小的自然数n.(1)画出执行该问题的程序框图;(2)以下是解决该问题的一个程序,但有2处错误,请找出错误并予以更正.
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