
St.Martin's Day is a holiday in Holland.St.Martin was a man who did kind things for many people in need.One cold winter day he was walking home.He wore a coat to keep warm and had a small piece of bread to eat.Then he saw a stranger on the side of the road.The man sat on the ground and he was hungry and had no home.St.Martin took his knife and cut his coat in two.He gave the man half of his warm coat;Then he gave the mail half of his bread.     Nancy was a schoolgirl in Holland.One St. Martin's day,she rode her bicycle with her classmates after school.When she 社会主义是一项前无古人的事业,无产阶级的伟大领袖们前赴后继地进行探索。阅读下列材料,回答问题。(材料说历史)材料一 我们计划……用无产阶级国家直接下命令的办法在一个小农国家里按共产主义原则来调整国家的产品和分配。现实生活说明我们错了。——列宁材料二 我们现在正用“……政策”来改正我们的许多错误,我们正在学习怎样在一个小农国家里进一步建设社会主义大厦而不犯这些错误。——列宁(名人评历史)材料三 社会主义究竟是个什么样子,苏联搞了很多年,也并没有完全搞清楚。可能列宁的思路比较好……但是后来苏联的模式僵化了。——邓.小平(1)材料一、材料二中列宁所说的“计划”和“政策”分别指的是苏维埃俄国实行的什么经济政策?(2)苏维埃俄国实行新经济政策的作用是什么?据材料一、材料二,指出我们应该学习列宁的哪些品质。(3)材料三中邓.小平所说的苏联僵化的模式有什么特点?这种体制在经济和政治方面有什么弊端?
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