
胡J涛指出:“相信谁、依靠谁、为了谁,是否始终站在广大人民群众的立场上,是区分唯物史观和唯心史观的分水岭,是判断真假马克思主义的试金石。”这一论断的哲学依据是 A.人民群众是实践的主体,是历史的创造者 B.要坚定地走与人民群众相结合的道路 C.中国共.产.党始终代表中国最广大人民群众的根本利益 D.人民群众的实践是认识的来源Li Ping: Hi,Wang Gang. Where did you go yesterday afternoon? I called you, but you didn't answer.Wang Gang;I was listening to a talk.Li Ping;A talk? 1Wang Gang :It's about the environmentproblem in China. Li Ping; 2Wang Gang: A professor(教授)from Beijing. Li Ping: 3Wang Gang;Certainly. In the talk,he warned (警告) us that pollution was one of the most serious problems in China. More and more people get sick because of air pollution, and some animals are in danger of dying out.Li Ping :That's right. 4 Everyone should do something useful to protect the environment.Wang Gang: 5 Let's be greener people and protect the environment.A.I agree with you.B.That's bad.C.Who gave the talk?D.What's it about?E.Could you tell me something about it?F.The environment around us is getting worse and worse.G.I don't think so.1._________2. _______ 3._______ 4._______5._______
政治 试题推荐