
Many countries follow special customs when a child’s baby teeth fall out. Many of these customs tell stories about animals taking the teeth.    For example, Koreans have the custom of throwing the fallen tooth onto the roof of a house so that a magpie can take the tooth away and bring a new tooth for the child. This custom is also followed by some other Asian countries, such as Japan and Vietnam.    Other countries, though, have tooth customs about other animals. In Mexico and Spain, for example, it is thought that a mouse takes a fallen tooth away and leaves some money. But in Mon甲乙两地相距900千米,一列快车从甲地出发匀速开往乙地,速度为120千米/时;快车开出30分钟时,一列慢车从乙地出发匀速开往甲地,速度为90千米/时.设慢车行驶的时间为x小时,快车到达乙地后停止行驶,根据题意解答下列问题:(1)当快车与慢车相遇时,求慢车行驶的时间;(2)请从下列(A),(B)两题中任选一题作答.我选择: .(A)当两车之间的距离为315千米时,求快车所行的路程;(B)①在慢车从乙地开往甲地的过程中,求快慢两车之间的距离;(用含x的代数式表示)②若第二列快车也从甲地出发匀速驶往乙地,速度与第一列快车相同,在第一列快车与慢车相遇后30分钟时,第二列快车与慢车相遇,直接写出第二列快车比第一列快车晚出发多少小时.
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