
9.下图是某电影的宣传海报,它再次引发了世人对国粹京剧的关注。以下相关的说法,正确的是 A.京剧的出现,标志着中国古代戏剧的成熟 B.这部电影,可以作为研究京剧艺术的可靠史料 C.通过该电影,我们可以了解到一些京剧“旦角”的知识 D.在乾隆年间,京剧进入第一高峰期 答案:C22、 For Children Museum:Children's Museum,Sundays,89 North Street,676412345. Story time:Children's Library,106 Green Street,Wednesday during 9:30 am-5:00 pm 66599624 Sports:Soccer Club,Tuesday and Thursdays,16 Yangtze Road,96725643. Basketball Club,Wednesday and Friday,79071632 Cinema:New films for children,99 Brick Road,69001354 Useful Phone Numbers Fast Food Restaurant:66387901 Hospital:68787451 Visitor Information Center:800-120-9847 Tax:79210583 Visitor Hotel Information:800-739-7320 1.It's Friday afternoon.You can go to _________. A.visit the museum                             B.play soccer C.play basketball                                           D.read children's stories 2.If children want to wash new films,they should go to _________. A.16 Yangtze Road                                    B.89 North Street C.106 Green Street                                  D.99 Brick Road 3.If you dial(拨号)66387901,you can _________. A.ask for some hotel information                B.do some shopping C.have a good story time                             D.order fast food in a restaurant 4.Lily's father is ill.She should dial _________. A.800-120-9847       B.79210583               C.68787451            D.96725643 5.If you want to book a room for your holiday,you can call _________. A.800-120-9847        B.800-739-7320        C.66387901              D.79210583 评卷人 得分 六、阅读填空 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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