
    Most Americans don’t like to get advice from members of their family. They get advice from “strangers”. When they need advice, they __61__ (rare) go to people they know. Instead, many of __62__ write letters to newspapers and magazines __63__ give advice on many different subjects __64__ (include) family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and even on how to buy a house or a car.     Most newspapers regularly print letters from readers with problems. Along with the letters there are answers written by people who __65__ (suppose) to know 天长日久,||||阅读并完成练习。   天长日久,虽然我一直没有学到公冶长的本领,却跟鸟儿建立了异常深厚的感情。从终日忙碌的燕子那里,我认识到勤劳的可贵;从飞行整齐的大雁那里,我懂得了纪律的重要;从搏击风雨的苍鹰那里,我学到了勇敢、顽强的精神……   鸟儿的确是我们的好朋友哇! (1)在文中找到意思相反的词语。 懒惰—— 软弱—— (2)用文中加粗的词语造句。 虽然……却……_______________________________________ (3)文中有一处省略号,请展开想象,把省略的内容写出来。 _____________________________________________________ (4)为什么说鸟儿的确是我们的好朋友?请举例说明。 ____________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐