
目前出土的汉代牛耕图画像石共有多幅。其分布如下 出土省份出土地点 陕西米脂、绥德王德元墓、绥德、西安碑林、陕北 山东藤县宏道院、藤县黄家岭、邹城市面粉厂 山西平陆枣园 内蒙古和林格尔 江苏泗洪重岗、遂宁双沟镇 从中可以得出的结论是 A.汉代时陕西是全国经济中心        B.山东的农耕技术在汉代最先进 C.汉朝时使用牛耕的范围较广        D.汉朝时牛耕范围已经遍及全国选择单词的适当形式完成句子。1. It usually takes me half an hour _________ to school. A. walkingB. to walkC. walk2. The government should pay much attention to the _________ population. A. increasedB. increaseC. increasing3. The grand piano takes up too much _________. A. roomB. roomsC. place4. I think Beijing is one of the __________ (beautiful) places in the world. A. more beautifulB. beautifulestC. most beautiful5. No one _________ (know) when he will be back. A. knowB. knewC. knows
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