
根据提示及句意完成单词 1. You can't take the m ______ out of the library. 2. Hero means someone you a ______ very much. 3. There are more ______ (广告) on TV now. I don't like watching them. 4. What's your ______ (理想的) school like? 5. Every month they go on a school trip to a ______ (博物馆). 答案:1. magazine/ magazines 2. admire 3. advertisements 4. ideal 5. museum补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。①《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》中描述齐威王纳谏后,群臣纷纷进谏的大好局面的句子是: , 。②《桃花源记》中,描写桃源周边草美花繁的语句是: , 。③《陋室铭》中,虚实结合写室主人交往之雅的句子是: , 。④岑参的《白雪歌送武判官归京》中借自然景物写凄凉寒冷景象(或描写塞外风狂雪早的句子是: , 。⑤《游山西村》中道出了诗人对农村淳朴民风赞赏的诗句: , 。
英语 试题推荐