
Arabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. 41 the busiest government official always takes extra time to be polite and 42 refreshments (茶点).No matter how 43 you are,you should make time for this hospitality (好客).The “conference visit” is a way of doing 44 throughout the Arab world. 45 you will have to discuss your business 46 strangers,who may or may not have anything to do with your business. Do not be 47 if your meeting is interrupted several times by people who come into the room 48      ,whisper, or speak softly to the per下列词语中书写有误的一项是A.镰刀  触动  火焰  谄媚B.悠然  破粹  捆绑  铰掉C.钢锯  咬掉  耀眼  沟壑D.悲愤  苍莽  劝诱  栅栏
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