
When I look back at my last few years, I never regret choosing the teaching job. I love the fun I have   71   (grow) up with my students. But sometimes unexpected incident happens. In my first class, a boy   72   (draw) my attention. He looked absent. After class, I learned that he got   73   (catch) cheating in the exam. Rather   74   feeling angry, I felt it   75   great pity that he was likely   76   (give) up on himself. So I talked to him, adding that a single failure wouldn’t define a person. Luckily, a few days later, I found him   77   (energy) in下图示意关中地区和楚河地区。阅读图文材料,完成下列问题。材料一 发源于关中地区的戏剧“秦腔”,历史源远流长。古丝绸之路上的楚河中游地区有一块“秦腔飞地”(乙城附近),当地有数万人是关中地区居民的后裔,至今仍保留着原有的民间文化和风俗习惯。材料二 吉尔吉斯斯坦多山地,林木等资源丰富;农业以畜牧业和小麦、棉花等种植业为主。在楚河中游地区,中吉两国合资建设的造纸厂规模与产量居中亚地区前茅。简述甲、乙城市共同的区位优势。
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