
单词拼写。 1. I don’t like reading __________ (任何的) books. 2. He is sleeping ____________ (在----- 期间) the night. 3. He likes listening to these ___________ (故事). 4. Don’t play with fire, children! It is ___________ (危险的). 5. These girls are ___________ (女警察). 6. Many people don’t like his new ________(造型). 7. Wang Lin is the  _______(队长) of the basketball team. 8. The bus is ________(拥挤的). There are too many people in it. 9. My brother wants to be a police officer. He thinks it’s an _______(激动人心的) job. 10. Her desk is on the __口语交际。(4分) 星期天,我(小明)和同学小华上街买书,在商场门口遇见一行动不便的老人因故摔倒,伤情较严重。围观行人因担心讹诈不敢上前救助。小华见状马上冲上前去准备搀扶,我在钦佩他热心助人的品行之时,又担心他会因此惹上麻烦,于是拦住他说:“                                                  。”      小华听后觉得我说的有些道理,但他看着老人躺在地上痛苦呻吟的样子,还是决定救助。同时,他也留了一个心眼,叫我做些场外准备,也好有备无患,于是他对我说:“                                                   。”
英语 试题推荐