
What happens when the children leave to start new lives at university? Joanna Moorhead talks to some empty­nesters. When Paul, our oldest, left, I remember feeling this terribley sad: it was a physical sadness, almost like walking around with a hangover. It seemed to me like the very opposite of childbirth: that had been about being given someone, my baby, whereas this was a pain, my child being taken away from me. For days the grief was very, very raw; I cried a lot of the time for the first day or two after he left. And that helped a lot, because I needed to feel sad, I needed to gri结合小说《骆驼祥子》的阅读,完成后面小题。(1)小说中除主人公祥子外,还写了其他各色人物,如残忍霸道的车主刘四,一步步 走向毁灭的贫苦女孩_________,等等。(2)下列有关“虎妞’的情节,按先后顺序排列正确的一项是(____)①虎妞掏钱买车②虎妞假装怀孕③虎妞“下嫁”祥子④虎妞和父亲彻底吵翻A.③④②① B.②③①④ C.③②①④ D.②④③①
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