
阅读下面短文,从短文后的21-35各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Derlin Newey, an 89 - year- old pizza delivery driver was in disbelief when the Valdez family visited him.The local TV station was there to 1 the moment. I don't know what to say,said Newey as he 2 tears of joy. Newey delivers 3 for Papa John, about 30 hours a week. He saidhe couldn't live lonely on social security. 4 being a delivery driver, Newey is also arising TikTok star thanks to some loyal 5 inspired by his kindness. The Valdez family alwaysask for him when 下面是电影《达芬奇密码》中的一个片段:女主角欲输入一个由十个数字组成的密码,但当她果断地依次输入了前八个数字11235813,欲输入最后两个数字时她犹豫了,也许是她真的忘记了最后的两个数字、也许….请你依据上述相关信息推测最后的两个数字最有可能的是( )A.21B.20C.13D.31
英语 试题推荐