
阅读理解 Did you know that the color of uniforms can influence the performance of an athlete? It may sound strange, but a study suggests this might be true. Two British scientists studied the results of four sports in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games where the athletes had been given either a red or a blue uniform. They discovered that when there was a big difference in the score, color had no influence on the result. But if it was a close match, the athlete in a red uniform was more likely to win. Then they looked at the uniforms of the soccer teams at the Euro 2004 tournament. Again, teams 现在我国在促进对外经济贸易发展的同时,加强对进出口贸易的管理,严格海关报关制度,早在宋朝时期为了鼓励海外贸易,加强对海外贸易的管理,在主要港口所设立的机构是( )A.都护府B.市舶司C.宣政院D.理藩院
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