
阅读理解What comes to mind when you think of a museum? Perhaps you picture an impressive building in a rather traditional design made of high-quality stone? Some might consider these customary institutions the best way to safeguard the future of typical educational topics. But according to the Museums Association, a museum is traditionally defined as a place enabling … people to have more knowledge via various collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment.There are about 2500 museums in the UK; a few are bound to be considered a little unconventional, unusual or even unknown. Howev下表各组中,实验操作和目的对应关系不正确的是( )① 加热试管时,先均匀加热后集中加热防止试管炸裂②量取液体时,视线与凹液面最低处保持水平防止读数误差③用双氧水制氧气时,加入少量二氧化锰加快氧气生成速度④铁丝在氧气中燃烧时,集气瓶底部放少量水使实验现象更加明显A.①B.②C.③D.④
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