
阅读下面的文字,完成问题。在全国上下_____的脱贫攻坚战中,从来都不缺文艺的身影。文艺的优势是什么?是形象生动,接地气,连人心,百姓容易接受。党的十九大召开不久,文艺工作者创作了小品《喜鹊为啥叫喳喳》,小品将党的十九大精神和脱贫攻坚政策融入其间,生动揭示了牧区贫困户为什么致贫的原因,巧妙融入了牧民最为关心的草场承包权延长30年等政策,使文艺真正受惠于贫困牧民。一台小品讲活了政策文件,牧民们听得懂,记得牢 语法填空   People might be surprised to learn that about 50 million people in the world use, or could benefit from the use of, a wheelchair.Actually,   1   wheelchair is one of the simplest devices   2   are available to assist the disabled.With the development of science and technology, other   3  (advance)forms of devices like robots might come into use.   For years scientists   4  (devote)themselves to developing new types of robots that can be of help to the disabled.It remains to be seen what will come out of their efforts, but   5   is for sure is that these robots should meet the following standards.   First of all, they should be easy   6  (operate).Secondly, they must be able to perform multiple functions.All in all, they should enable the disabled to live as normal a life as able-bodied people.   If one day their dreams come true, these robots can be hugely beneficial to all of us.With the assistance of a robot, people living with   7  (disable)may find   8   easier for them to handle life.However, the most difficult thing for   9   is not the inconvenience in their lives, but the prejudice.Therefore,   10   we get rid of the prejudice, they can not be truly comfortable.
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