
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。SundayBakeshop in Oakland, California, makes foods that mix American and Asiancultures. The restaurant makes foods that are cooked or baked in an oven. Manyof them are sweet. For example, the shop sells something called a dim sumcookie. It looks like a sugar cookie but has sesame (芝麻) seeds on top and sweetened red beans inside.Dim sum is a word for Cantonese foods from southern China.The dimsum cookie is Elaine Lau's way of honoring her grandmother who would make akind of food that had a simil【旅游地理】在我国北方某山区沿河公路两侧的景观有“百里山水画廊”之称。此河段绵延112华里,沿途重峦叠嶂山势雄浑,树木花草四季变幻,令人赏心悦目。下图为“百里山水画廊游览图”。阅读图文资料,完成下列要求。(10分) (1)指出在该线路出游的最佳季节和较理想的旅游交通方式。(4分)(2)简述该旅游景区规划设计的合理性。(6分)
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