
你所在的班级正在开展“课外阅读状况调查”综合性学习活动,请你参加。 (1) 有同学在学校论坛里发起了关于阅读兴趣的调查,绘制了以下表格。请仔细阅读表格中的数据,说说你的发现。中学生阅读兴趣统计表 文学名著言情小说恐怖故事搞笑漫画 很喜欢13%22%26%63% 随便看看44%56%61%33% 不喜欢43%22%13%4% (2) 小宁同学在论坛里发了下面的帖子,请你在“回复”中劝说她积极地阅读名著。【帖子】我觉得名著都是长篇大论,读起  This is a map of our community. Look,this small house is my home. The school is near my home. 1       They're very friendly to me. If I want to read books or play on the computer,I can go to the library. It's on Green Street.  When I get ill or hurt,the doctors in the hospital can help me. Doctors can find out what's wrong and make me feel better. 2       Can you find it? It's on Pink Street. Of course,if I get ill or hurt at school,I can see the school nurse.  There's also a big supermarket in our area. 3       It's across from my home.   But the post office is far from my home. If I want to mail a letter,I have to go along Center Avenue and turn right at the turning. Go along Red Street and turn right again,and the post office is on my left.  Its a good place to have fun. Welcome to my community.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。从方框中选择恰当的句子补全短文,使文章通顺、完整。   A. I can buy a lot of things from there.   B. There are a lot of teachers and they help me learn about many subjects.   C. Where is the hospital?1.         2.          3.         (   ) 4. The underlined phrase (短语) "find out" means "      "in Chinese.   A. 寻找   B. 查出   C. 发现   D. 询问(   ) 5. What's the best title (标题) of the passage?   A. My Community   B. How to Find the Post Office   C. What's My Home Like   D. My Apartment
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