
阅读理解Myhusband and I used to think we had all we had ever wanted. A beautiful house, threehealthy children and one more on the way, two cars, a couple of four-wheelersfor entertainment—We really had it all and we loved it. Then, the market turnedand my husband's job at a construction company was gone. The company wasclosing down forever. Weboth started looking for jobs right away, but there weren't any to be found. Witheach passing day we were getting increasingly worried and we continued to worktogether in order to pull our family through. The more we pulled together, thecloser we go 下列离子方程式与所述事实相符且正确的是 [  ] A. 漂白粉溶液在空气中失效:ClO-+CO2+H2OHClO+HCO3- B. 用浓盐酸与MnO2反应制取少量氯气:MnO2+2H++2Cl-Mn2++Cl2↑+2H2O C. 向NaAlO2溶液中通入过量CO2制Al(OH)3:AlO2-+CO2+2H2OAl(OH)3↓+HCO3- D. 在强碱溶液中次氯酸钠与Fe(OH)3反应生成Na2FeO4:3ClO-+2Fe(OH)32FeO42-+3Cl-+H2O+4H+
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